
Mike Damora

Why It is Best to Hire a Certified Contractor

In this day and age, there are several services to find “handymen”. Places like Craigslist and Task Rabbit have several listings for so-called “professionals” who can come fix your home on the cheap. And while this may work for small tasks like mounting your TV or painting your walls, when it comes to more complex…

3 Reasons Why You Should Schedule an Inspection During The Spring

Spring is here! That means no more thick snow, no more intense storms, and most of all, no more staying indoors all day. This newfound freedom, however, presents the unique opportunity to check your home’s exterior to see if it is in good condition, and whether any repairs should be made. Here are 3 reasons…

What’s A Roof System?

Most people think a roof is a roof. Actually the roofing material visible on a house—the shingles—is the tip of the iceberg, the visiblepart of a mostly invisible system. That system is made up components— layers and accessory elements—working together to protect the house from weather. These include the roof decking (or “sheathing”)—plywood or oriented…

Why A Portico Is The Addition Your Home Needs

Take a look at the house above. Do you get a sense of grandeur when you view it? Perhaps the feeling that whoever is living in it is more affluent and successful? What is it about the house that triggers that in you? While it is the excellent siding work and windows that certainly help…

How Snow Can Damage Your Home

Snow is beautiful, there’s no denying that. It’s fun to watch it fall and accumulate on the ground, eager to go outside and enjoy the snow. Only to find that once you step outside, you are instantly hit with biting cold temperatures, strong winds, and water soaking into any exposed crevice. This is the reality…

Why James Hardie?

If you have been on the hunt looking for good siding to install into your home, then you probably have run into the name James Hardie at least once, if not several times over. This is not surprising, considering they are one of the biggest names in the housing materials industry. But what is it…

5 Ways to Extend the Life of Your Roof

Your roof is one of the biggest investments you will make in a home. So it makes sense to install the best and most durable roof shingles for the job, such as Atlas and Tamko. However, there are still plenty of ways to extend your roof’s lifetime, and get the most out of your money….

5 Main Types of Doors for your Home

Doors are often an overlooked part of exterior and interior design. When people compliment your home, they often mention how well-cut the bushes are, or how well-coordinated the color scheme of your living room is. Rarely do people mention the door. Which is a shame because doors are arguably one of the most important elements…

Research short cut.

There’s a lot of information about siding online. Google “siding” and you’re going to see 237,000,000 search results. Seriously. If anything, there’s way more information than you can wade through. My advice is to narrow the search. And if you’re thinking about fiber cement siding, one of the first names to pop up in organic…

How to Find a House Leak

Although water leaks often show clearly visible signs such as stains, mold, or rot, locating the source of the leak can often prove to be a complicated process. Follow these tips to give yourself a better chance of finding your leak. Check Your Roof If you have a leak, one possible culprit is your roof….