

Why Choose a James Hardie® Preferred Contractor

Is your siding starting to show signs of damage? Are you considering getting your siding replaced? When you’re in need of siding replacement, you have to make sure that you’re hiring a company that can provide you with the right products, installation, and warranties. Why Hire a Preferred James Hardie® Installer K&B Home Remodelers is…

How K & B Home Remodelers Works on Customer Satisfaction

A lot has changed within the home improvement industry in the last 10 years. Gone are the days when home improvement was seen as a dreaded or daunting chore. Today, many homeowners are very hands-on with their projects. From creating a checklist, shortlisting a design scheme, to executing the project, homeowners are taking a more…

Is It Time to Replace Your New Jersey Roof?

The roof on your New Jersey home is an important part of keeping you and your family safe and dry, but just like every other part of your home, it will wear down over time and need to be replaced. For the standard asphalt shingle roofing, the timeline for roof replacement is generally around 15…

K & B Home Remodelers: Among Remodeling’s Big50 Awardees

Every year, Remodeling magazine welcomes 50 new companies that had an extraordinary impact to the industry. They recognize companies that have displayed business excellence, smart marketing, unique design, integrity, and professionalism through the Big50 award. Remodeling magazine started their search back in 1986, looking for 50 remodelers who are dedicated to their craft. Since then,…