

roofing contractors installing new roof on a home

Make Your Roof More Durable

A roof completely keeps all aspects of your home safe including your family. Its large importance is what makes it such an imperative and costly installation for most New Jersey, homeowners. Therefore to save money in the long run and to keep your home in top condition it’s important to know how to make your roofing last a few extra years. In this article, we will discuss huge tips and courses of action you can take to make your roofing outlast all of your New Jersey neighbors.

Remove Dangerous Trees

It’s always great to take care of large overhanging trees but it’s even more important for ensuring the health of your home’s roofing. You do not have to cut down the tree but at least keep up with trimming potentially dangerous branches. The last thing you want is for a large heavy branch to harm your roof during a storm. Therefore, removing and trimming large branches and trees can help prevent any potential harm from occurring to your property.

Check Your Attic Space

When discussing your roof another area that is commonly forgotten about is your attic. More specifically the ventilation in your attic. If your attic is becoming too humid then moisture can begin to gather and rot your roof from the inside. Even if your attic is too hot it can cause wood to become too brittle and begin to crack over time. The best solution is to make sure you have proper circulation in your attic which is helping it succeed. You’d be shocked by the number of times roofing damage occurs due to poor ventilation in a homeowner’s attic space.

Delicately Clean Your Roofing

Most would assume that keeping your roof clean can go a long way in increasing its longevity. However, in reality, it all depends on the process you use to clean your roof. You should be gentle with your roof when cleaning it and make sure not to use strong or abrasive products and machinery. For example, a power washer can quickly help clean your roofing but it might be doing more harm than good. A power washer is extremely strong and can even lift your shingles up by accident. Therefore, we recommend calling a professional if you’re looking to have your roof cleaned as best as possible!

Keep Your Gutters Clear

Lastly, we believe all homeowners should consistently check their gutters for debris, especially after a large storm. If your gutters are overflowing then it can cause water and moisture to build up around your roofing and siding. Whilst this won’t immediately harm your roofing and siding, if left untreated you’ll begin to see large areas of rot and erosion taking place. All in all, it’s important to inspect all areas of your home if you wish to see it last for as long as possible!

Get A Professional Input

If you viewed our list and are still confused or want a second opinion then it’s always great to get in touch with an expert. The exterior remodeling contractors at K&B Home Remodelers can quickly understand any situation and provide the best solution possible. Contact K&B Home Remodelers today!

About Mike Damora

Mike Damora is vice president of sales and marketing at K&B Home Remodelers, in Randolph, N.J. You can follow him on Twitter @madamoracatch him on Drift.